The Kay and Lina Project for Girls
Was created for girls and women of all ages, to shatter the stigma around menstruation. Challenging the systems of oppression in impoverished communities domestic and abroad. Providing pads, supplies, education about basic anatomy and hygiene. Restore confidence and hope one period at a time.
Organization Goals
Shatter stigma around menstruation
Love, care and nurture each individual
Challenge all systems of oppression
Provide education and training basic anatomy, hygiene on how to use supplies
Provide pads and supplies
Holding space allowing individuals to share in a safe space
Partner and collaborate with other organizations that share the visions and values.

We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.
Our Mission
Empowering girls and women of all ages through education and advocacy.
With education we gain knowledge. With knowledge we remove the stigma around menstruation.

Our Vision
A world where Periods will never be a problem for impoverished girls and women.